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Gift Ideas: for girls 6-9ish

This is for the girls who are past the toddler/little girls years but not quite to the tween years! My daughter is 8 in December, going on 13. So, she has a very specific idea of what she wants for her birthday and Christmas this year. Let's dive into some gift ideas that are sure to please without becoming clutter!

We focus on 1-2 gifts within in the category of WANT, NEED, WEAR, READ from my husband and I! This helps us keep focused and mix in some needed or educational items too. Then, Santa brings 2-3 gifts from our kids WANT/wish list, plus a handful of stocking stuffers (I make sure these are extensions of gifts or useful items, staying away from junky clutter). There is always a few group gifts like replenishing art supplies or a family game, too!

I'll share a couple favorites from each category below. You can find links to each items on the gift idea guide below. Click on arrows to see all, and click on each item to view!


A Camera: Ellie has this already and loves bringing it along on vacation, or snapping pictures with friends. It's fun for her because the photo prints right out to enjoy!

A Hoverboard: Ellie has this already and loves bringing it along on vacation, or snapping pictures with friends. It's fun for her because the photo prints right out to enjoy!

A Watch: She has been asking for a Gizmo watch and this might be the year! We are starting to let her explore the world with more independence, and having a way to communicate with her will be helpful for us all. There are great parental features with the Gizmo. This is something we will have to set up and get through Verizon. There are many fun watch bands to go with the watch, too!


Salt Lamp: I have a salt lamp and a diffuser in each of my kids bedrooms, and they love them! They offer such a nice warm glow to their rooms.

Journal: This mindfulness journal is the perfect starter spot for thoughts and feelings. I has prompts and questions. Ellie will love this!


Mini Belt Bag: I have the larger version of this, and Ellie has slowly made it her own! So, this is right up her alley and a spot for her to carry her lip balm, wallet and whatever else she wants to bring along on adventures.

Leotard/Sports Wear: A perfect time to update dance, gymnastics or sports wear!


Book Series: Ellie is a big reader and flies through books, so she will be getting a new series to tackle. She loves My Weird School, Junie B Jones, Billie B Brown, Amelia Bedelia, The Princess Faires and Ivy and Bean.

Barbie Monopoly: A super fun spin on classic Monopoly.

Hope this helps you with an idea or two! Happy Shopping!

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