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à la main


à la main apothecary + refillery shop | 577 Pennsylvania Ave | Glen Ellyn, IL

I co-own a shop in Glen Ellyn, IL with a friend and neighbor, Jill. We make and carry all natural home care, skincare, bath + body and laundry products and goods that are free of toxic, harsh ingredients and are simply made with you in mind. Better for you, better for the planet!

The main mission of à la main is to educate, empower and bring intentionality and positivity into what we are collectively using in our home, on our body, in our life and for the environment!

À la main translates to "by hand" in French. We hand-craft and hand pour our à la main collection, as well as responsibly source in products that bring beauty, simplicity and peace of mind in your home and life.

We also ship our products, so click below to visit our shop online!

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